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What is the biggest problem of Rwanda?

What is the biggest problem of Rwanda?

What is the biggest problem of Rwanda?

What is the biggest problem of Rwanda? Dubbed the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda is one of the smallest countries in east and central Africa bordering Uganda in the north, the democratic republic of Congo in the west, Burundi in the south, and the Republic of Tanzania in the eastern direction. Most people when you mention Rwanda they quickly think of the genocide that happened in 1994 and claimed several lives of the people of Rwanda especially the Tutsi.

Rwanda is generally a poor country with high poverty levels and with the majority of the citizen depending on poor substance agriculture meaning that they grow crops and rear animals for just consumption rather than for commercial purposes. The economy of Rwanda was hit back in the early 1990s when the issues of turmoil and civil political tension started to emerge. However, the current government is putting a lot of efforts and strategies to improve the economic situations of the country.

The economy recovery mechanism was put in place in Rwanda by the government including an increase of coffee production and tea by privatizing the sectors and this has increased the revenue base of the country. Other attempts have been made to diversify the economy of the country by increasing the local manufacturing base. The major challenge facing Rwanda’s economic recovery progress is that it imports a lot of commodities that export and this causes an imbalance of payments.

It is important to note that Rwanda is a landlocked country with no seas cost line and this has made transportation cost high in Rwanda. Being a landlocked country presents a big problem how in collaboration with other states and donors from abroad, the government of Rwanda has improved and is trying to improve on the existing transport infrastructure facilities to facilitate easy movement of travelers, goods, and services.

Presently Rwanda is somehow urbanized and industrial compared to how to be 1990 and of source, the population has increased and rural-urban migration has increased. Despite this, the country is one of the least developed countries in terms of industrialization, with more nations employed in substance farming sectors and all most all the land has been put under cultivation.

 Problems such as increased pressure from various demographics, lack of enough land, and lack of access to the sea coastline were the common challenges before the genocide .even after the genocide, new problems arise including political activist suppression, returning of exiled refugees, and the high levels of unemployment

Despite the abundance of both natural and man-made attractions, the majority of the people in Rwanda still live below the poverty line as it is in other countries developing countries. And thus poverty is taken as the major challenge facing Rwanda with HIV/AIDS and this was according to the nationwide survey. Other problems include rapid overpopulation, youth unemployment rates, and overreliance on government among others.

In conclusion, Rwanda had an undeveloped economy with the majority of the people still falling below the poverty line although the government is trying to make everything possible by ensuring that the country attains an income middle status. And this is being done by boosting the tourism industry that is being characterized by gorillas found in Volcanoes National Park.

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